"Getting the support of the
school administration. There
are staff who doesn’t regard
initiatives important unless
they are promoted by admin.
and without school-wide
support, the initiatives won’t
"EcoSchools can
usually go as far as the
administration allows,
having the custodian
and principal on the
same page as you can
sometimes be a
"It's not seen as an
essential component of
classroom curriculum. So
the entire responsibility
is often left o just one or
two teachers..."
"We did find this changed, however, when
we planned a parent-community
eco-engagement night in partnership with
our parent council. My EcoSchools co-chair
and I attended all of the School Council
meetings to discuss plans for the event. The
event had a great turnout and our
administration has since offered additional
funding support."
Teaching Staff
"Getting the whole staff on
board to make an effort to
participate in eco-projects
whole-heartedly, rather
than activities feeling like a
chore or a burden."
"I was doing a full year LTO at a
school this year and no teachers
in the school wanted the
responsibility or extra work of
leading the Eco-Schools
"One thing we have been trying, and hope to
experiment more with next year, is giving
teachers/their classes small discrete jobs to do. For
example, this year, the Grade 5/6 class was
responsible for emptying recycling bins, and one of
the Kindergarten teachers organized our school yard
Caretaking Staff
"Our school has trouble
with caretaker buy in,
especially around recycling
and now around green
"The lack of
continuity with
a head
caretaker has
made it quite
"We started inviting the head caretaker
to our monthly eco committee meetings
and asked for his input around
implementing the green bin program and
other eco-related activities. This helped us
better understand what the caretakers
can/would and couldn't do. "
EcoSchool Programming
"The audit is an isolated,
low-key event that requires a lot
of work on the part of the
organizing teachers, but does
not really engage the whole
school community."
"The “moving target” of every
year its gets harder to achieve
status is discouraging and
"While we streamline our
resources/online porfolio,
we will have more time at
the audit to discuss the
challenges, and initiatives
within the school. As well,
bronze is attainable. Most
schools have already
accomplished some of the
requirements for bronze
Changing Attitudes about Waste
"My issue with consumption
is more about the "faded
construction paper" I see
teacher's throw out or the
endless bags of "stuff" in the
hall to be chucked on the last
day in June."
"You may be interested to know that
the teachers at my school unofficially
and at a kind of grass roots level
started an "Ask a Friend" option. One
teacher discovered that she had over
200 graph paper notebooks, and sent
out an email to the staff asking if
anyone had pencils, erasers, or
markers to trade. I had an extra box of
pencils and erasers, so I traded her for
50 of the books."
"It's hard to break old habits.
Kids still think they can
recycle snack wrappers.
Teachers still bring
disposable coffee cups.
People still waste too much
food. Change is slow."
"30 days to make a habit, 30 days
to break a habit - challenge
students to develop a new habit
each month. Track each day on a
chart. Visuals are great for kids and
adults alike."
Student Commitment/Engagement
"So much of what needs to be
done to improve the school
footprint depends on the
students and they and their
commitment vary from year to
"The Green Team often takes a
back seat to other, more
"glamorous" clubs like sports,
robotics and DECA. When there
is a conflict between 2 clubs (e.g.
both clubs meeting or holding
an event at the same time), the
other club usually gets priority
over the green team. Challenge
is to make the Green Team
"cooler" and more appealing to
"As I am in a high school,
although we have a group of
around 30, very dedicated
EcoSquad Club students who try
to raise student awareness, it can
be hard to impact the behaviour
of such a large population of
"Rebranding - We were initially called the
“Green T club” (with a picture of a cup of
tea). Who knew that wasn’t cool?? This
year, at our first meeting, we asked the
students what they thought would make
people want to join and even asked some
of the cool kids who were not part of the
team. We ended up with “EPIC:
environmental people in charge”. We had
the art teacher design a more “edgy” pic,
printed sweatshirts and students began
asking what is this club about? It was quite
Ecological Literacy
"If the school considers looking at using documents
like Natural Curiosity and Project Wild to support
teaching then the Eco-Schools can be more seamless
in that it becomes a shared responsibility for every
"Eco Literacy is always a
challenge. Most teachers
don't 'get it' (and
sometimes I'm not sure I
get it). We need more
training on this. Just what
does eco literacy look
"The support for Eco
Literacy varies greatly
across the Staff. It is the
dogged enthusiasm,
praise, coddling, prodding,
provoking of our Eco
leaders that gets teachers
on board."
Lack of External/Internal Funding
"Funding is always an issue for us as
we are a little school with a
corresponding little budget, and we
do not receive internal or external
funding. I know that many grants
are available, and we do apply, but
so far no luck."
"We are a small school and it is
difficult to always find the funding
to continue to develop in ways we
would like."
"Consider linking
environmental initiatives
with other funding
opportunities (Mental
health, Model Schools etc.).
As well, there are many
'freebies' available. (e.g.
Sheridan Nurseries - offers
seeds for gardens)."
School Yard Greening
"It is hard to have someone
maintain the garden that you
have built with your students
during the summer months."
"Focus on spring and fall plants. If stuff goes to seed over
the summer, teach the grade 3s about seed saving. If things
die, they die, and become compost for the soil. If
community members take a zucchini from the garden over
the summer without asking, they get to eat a delicious
zucchini. If you build it, parents will probably come. And if
there is a childcare at the school that's running over the
summer, they may be able to help with watering. Finally,
just do it anyway, the benefits throughout the year
outweigh the possible problems of the summer."
"Plants would be stolen
within days of planting
in the school grounds."
"I find it can be
pretty stressful to
complete those
pages especially
since it is always
around the time of
reporting and
"Time. Some activities and
initiatives take time to work
on. Meetings and other
pathways often take
precedence. Release time
would be wonderful, but
this may be wishful
"I found a lot of the
Eco-schools materials
slightly overly complicated,
and felt the process for
teachers could be
"Get the kids to help with
the paperwork as much as