
Jennifer Perez
Mind Map by Jennifer Perez, updated more than 1 year ago
Jennifer Perez
Created by Jennifer Perez over 2 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Recovery in the twenties
    1. Roaring Twenties in USA


      • 'American way of life' -Industrial growth -Consumer Society
      1. Tensions between France and Germany


        • Squeezing Germany
        1. France occupied Ruhr 1923
          1. Dawes Plan by US 1924
            1. Treaty of Locarno 1925 (Spirit of Locarno)
              1. Kellogg-Briand Pact
    2. Great Depression
      1. Stock Market Crash 1929


        • New York 1929 Overproduction and speculation
        1. Severe global economic crisis
          1. New Deal 1933
          2. TOTALITARIANISM 1930s
            1. NAZISM in Germany
              1. 1919 A.Hitler joined political party
                1. Nazi Party (NSDAP)
                  1. Assault Division (SA)
                    1. Beerhall Putsch 1923
                      1. Mein Kampf
                  2. Hitler's rise to power?
                    1. -Economic crisis -> Social tension -Hyperinflation -Crash of 1929 -Unemployment -Fear of revolution
                      1. Hindenburg
                        1. Named Hitler Chancellor 1933
                          1. CONSOLIDATE HIS POWER
                            1. Reichstag on fire 1933
                              1. Poitical parties made illegal
                                1. Night of the Long Knives 1934
                                  1. Hidenburg death 1934
                                    1. HITLER PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC Third Reich
                                      1. Anti-Semitic policy
                                        1. -1933 Jews banned from professions -1935 Nuremberg Laws -1938 Night of the Broken Glass -Jews systematically murdered
                    2. FASCISM in Italy
                      1. National Fascist Party by Benito Mussolini 1921
                        1. Take power by FORCE
                          1. March on Rome 1922
                            1. King V.E.III ceded
                              1. -Secret police (OVRA) -Autarchy -Foreign policy (Ethiopia and Albania)
                              2. By Blackshirts
                        2. STALINISM in the USSR
                          1. Lenin's death 1924
                            1. Joseph Stalin took control 1929
                              1. Totalitarian dictatorship
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