Extrapolation: Making estimates beyond the range of results (predicting)
Fast reaction means a short reaction time
Long reaction means a slow reaction time
We calculate the speed of a reaction from a graph by
measuring the gradient (steepness of the slope)
To calculate the gradient we use the formula: How much
you made dived by how long it took
C3 B - Concentration, Temperature, Particle size and Pressure.
As the temperature increases, the reactant particles have more kinetic
energy and so the particles are moving around faster. This leads to more
frequent successful collisions.
Reactions occur when particles collide together with sufficient
energy to react.
Concentration is the measure of how many particles are in 1L of water.
Concentration can be lowered by adding more water to the solution,
which makes it more diluted.
The higher the concentration the faster the reaction time. As the concentration increases
there are more reactant particles in the same volume. This leads to more frequent
successful collisions
Smaller particles will have a faster rate of reaction because there will be more collisions per second.
Acid can hit the outer layer of atoms but not the atoms in the center.
Explosions are reactions that occur rapidly and release large volumes of gas.
Increasing the pressure increases the rate of reaction because there are more collisions per second.
C3 C - Catalysts
A substance added to a chemical reaction to make it go faster
Copper powder is the catalyst for the reaction between zinc and sulfuric acid.
Alminium oxide in the cracking of long chain hydrocarbons
Does not make more collisions per second
When added to a reaction the same amount of product is made but in
a much shorter time