Theories of Romantic Relationships


A level Psychology Mind Map on Theories of Romantic Relationships, created by Caitlin Hazelton on 19/04/2022.
Caitlin Hazelton
Mind Map by Caitlin Hazelton, updated more than 1 year ago
Caitlin Hazelton
Created by Caitlin Hazelton almost 3 years ago

Resource summary

Theories of Romantic Relationships
  1. Social Exchange Theory
    1. Economic theory
      1. based on operant conditioning and economics
        1. we form a relationship if it is rewarding
          1. Minimax principle
            1. we attempt to maximise our rewards and minimise our costs of being in a relationship
              1. we stay and commit to a relationship if it is profitable
              2. Sampling, Bargaining, Commitment and Institutionalisation
                1. Commitment level - how much of a reward you believe you deserve to get.
                  1. if we judge the potential profit of a new relationship to exceed our CL, the current relationship is profitable, so the person commits.
                  2. Comparison Level with Alternatives - if one is dissatisfied with their current relationship as it is less rewarding than alternatives so they do not commit to the current relationship
                    1. Support for CLAlt.
                      1. Sprecher found that CLAlt negatively correlated with satisfaction so if commitment is high, the alternative options are low
                      2. Real-world application: IBCT
                        1. Gottman and Levenson found that in successful marriages, the ratio of positive to negative exchanges was 5:1 but in unsuccessful marriages it was 1:1
                          1. can help to increase exchanges between couples and reduces number of divorces - beneficial for the economy
                          2. Limitation: economic metaphor.
                            1. e.g. Clark and Mills found two types of relationships
                              1. Exchange relationships - do involve exchanges
                                1. Communal relationships - between romantic partners marked by receiving and giving of rewards without keeping score
                                2. not something we do in everyday life
                              2. Equity Theory
                                1. Equity is where people strive to achieve fairness in their relationships and places emphasis on the need for each partner to experience a balance between the cost and their benefit
                                  1. Profit in a relationship is maximised and the costs are minimised
                                    1. Distribution - compensations are negotiated to achieve fairness in the relationship
                                      1. If restoring equity is possible, maintenance of the relationship will continue - they will realign their distribution to change their profits
                                      2. The greater the degree of perceived unfairness, the greater the dissatisfaction
                                        1. If one puts in a lot but gets out a lot, then this will seem fair. This is known as the perceived ratio of inputs and outputs
                                          1. Under-benefitted
                                            1. anger
                                              1. not receiving to the same level that you are giving in a relationship
                                              2. Over-benefitted
                                                1. not giving to the same level that you are receiving
                                                  1. Guilt
                                                  2. Support - Hatfield: Under-benefitted versus Over-benefitted. Found that under were more angry and over were more guilty
                                                    1. Cultural Bias - Moghaddam. Economic theories only apply to Western relationships. In non-traditional societies, they are more likely to value security over personal profit.
                                                      1. Individual Differences - Huseman. Some are less sensitive to equity. For instance, there are two types of people that are less sensitive to equity.
                                                        1. Benevolents - are prepared to contribute more than they receive
                                                          1. Entitleds - believe that they deserve to over-benefit and accept it without feeling guilty
                                                        2. Investment Model
                                                          1. maintenance of a relationship is determined by commitment
                                                            1. Commitment is the likelihood that the relationship will persist
                                                              1. economic theory
                                                                1. Satisfaction is the extent to which the partners feel the rewards of the relationship exceeds the costs
                                                                  1. Investments are the resources associated with a romantic relationship which would be lost if the relationship ended
                                                                    1. Intrinsic Investments are what we put in directly, e.g. money, energy and emotions, time etc
                                                                      1. Extrinsic Investments are jointly point in, e.g. memories
                                                                      2. Comparison to alternatives is a judgement about whether a relationship with a different partner would reduce costs and increase rewards
                                                                        1. Valid explanation involving abusive relationships.
                                                                          1. e.g. Rusbult and Martz asked women why they stayed in an abusive relationship and they said that they had invested a lot
                                                                          2. Large basis of work supports the model
                                                                            1. E.g. Le and Agnew found that satisfaction, CLAlt and investment size all predicted commitment
                                                                            2. Uses correlations so no cause and effect relationships are established. E.g. there a re strong correlations between all of the important factors predicted by the investment model, however, there is no other factual evidence to suggest that this is the case
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