One For the Murphy's


Mind map for book One For the Murphy's
Mind Map by hannah.dunk, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by hannah.dunk over 9 years ago

Resource summary

One For the Murphy's
  1. Theme
    1. The theme is that there is a place for everyone in the world.
      1. Even though Carly is in foster care, she finds a place in the Murphy family
    2. Main Conflict
      1. The conflict is that Carly is stuck with a family that is different from her.
        1. The cause to this is that Carly's step dad got her mom to beat Carly. Carly's mom ended up in the hospital.
      2. Setting
        1. Carly's mom lives in Las Vegas
        2. Characters
          1. Carly's mom
            1. She is not very orginized
              1. Nice
              2. Carly
                1. Couragous
                  1. Strong
                  2. Mrs.Murphy
                    1. Very caring
                      1. Extremely nice
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