Limitations of efficient frontier


CIMA Financial Planning Mind Map on Limitations of efficient frontier, created by Katerina Kritikos on 08/05/2022.
Katerina Kritikos
Mind Map by Katerina Kritikos, updated more than 1 year ago
Katerina Kritikos
Created by Katerina Kritikos over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Limitations of efficient frontier
  1. Assumes standard deviation is the correct measure of risk with normal distributions.
    1. Ignores investor constraints.
      1. Inputs for risk and correlation between assets rely on historical data. Further, correlations rise in a financial crisis, so less risk diversified away than indicated by the model.
        1. Ignores transaction costs and investors may not be willing to change portfolios as often as the model suggests.
          1. Assumes portfolio in each asset class are index funds with same characteristics as input data.
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