Data Structure


Undécimo Informática Mind Map on Data Structure, created by camilo reina pacheco on 20/05/2022.
camilo reina pacheco
Mind Map by camilo reina pacheco, updated more than 1 year ago
camilo reina pacheco
Created by camilo reina pacheco about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Data Structure
    1. Binary trees
      1. Definition
        1. Binary trees are data structures very similar to doubly linked lists, in the sense that they have two pointers that point to other elements, but they do not have a linear or sequential logical structure like those, but branched. They look like a tree, hence their name.
          1. A binary tree is a nonlinear data structure in which each node can point to one or at most two nodes. A recursive definition is also usually given that indicates that it is a structure composed of a data and two trees.
            1. Features
              1. Balance
                1. The distance of a node from the root determines how efficiently it can be located. For example, given any node in a tree, its children can be accessed by following only one path. of forks or branches, the one that leads to the desired node. Similarly, nodes in the level2 of a tree can only be accessed by following two branches of the tree.
                2. Complete binary trees
                  1. A complete binary tree of depths is a tree in which for each level, from 0 to level n-1, has a full set of nodes, and all leaf-level nodes do not occupy the lowest positions. left wing of the tree.
                  2. Operations on binary trees
                    1. Some of the typical operations performed on binary trees are as follows:
                      1. Determine your height. Determine your number of elements. Make a copy. Display the binary tree on the screen or on the printer. Determine if two binary trees are identical. Delete(remove the tree). If it is an expression tree evaluate the expression
                    2. TAD Binary Tree
                      1. The binary tree structure constitutes an abstract data type; the basic operations that define the TAD binary tree are as follows:
                        1. Data type Data that is stored in the nodes of the tree. Operations CreateTree Initializes the tree as empty. Build Creates a tree with a root element and two branches, left and right that sounds like trees.
              2. Graph
                1. Definition
                  1. A graph is a composition of a set of objects known as nodes that are related to other nodes through a set of connections known as edges.
                    1. Graphs allow us to study the relationships that exist between units that interact with others.
                      1. important concepts
                        1. A graph in its entirety is an ordered pair composed of vertices (v) and edges (e); where in the vast majority of cases the vertices are finitely quantized.
                          1. The number of vertices that make up the graph are what we know as order
                            1. There is also the concept of degree that corresponds to the number of arcs to which they belong externally and as for the edges we also get the concept of a loop that is nothing more than an edge related in various ways to the same node.
                          2. Features
                            1. directed graph
                              1. A directed graph, also known as a digraph, consists of a set of vertices and edges where each edge is unidirectionally associated through an arrow with another.
                                1. The edges, depending on their output or input, receive the qualification of incoming or outgoing, the common condition is that they always have a destination towards a node.
                              2. Undirected graph
                                1. Undirected graphs are those that consist of a set of vertices that are connected to a set of edges in a non-directional way.
                                  1. This means that an edge can be traversed from any of its points and in any direction.
                                2. Labeled graphs
                                  1. This classification is called labeled graphs or directed graphs with weights. This type of graphs concentrate edges that may have additional information where we can reflect names, costs, values ​​or other data.
                                    1. These graphs are also called activity networks and the number associated with the arc is called the weight factor. This graph is the one we most commonly use to represent real-life situations.
                            2. vertex in a graph
                              1. Definition
                                1. A graph consists of a finite set of points called vertices and a finite set of edges, each of which connects two vertices. I know
                                  1. Topological ordering
                                    1. One of the applications of graphs is to model the relationships that exist between the different tasks, milestones, that must be completed to conclude a project. Among the tasks there are precedence relationships: a task precedes the task if it needs to be completed to be able to start
                                      1. These precedence relationships are represented by a directed graph in the that the vertices are the tasksohitosythere is an edge of the vertexeratsi the start of the taskt depends on the termination der. Once the graph is available, it is interesting to obtain a planning of the tasks that constitute the project; in short, to find the topological arrangement of the vertices that form the graph.
                                        1. Algoritmo de una ordenación topológica
                                          1. The algorithm first looks for a vertex (a task) with no predecessors or prerequisites; that is, it has no input arcs. This vertex, v, becomes part of the order T; a Then all arcs leaving v are removed, since the prerequisite v is already has satisfied.
                                            1. The strategy is repeated: another vertex is taken without incident arcs, it is incorporated sorting Tyse removes all the arcs that come out of it, so on until complete the ordination.
                                              1. Implementation of the sorting algorithm topological
                                                1. The coding of the algorithm depends on the representation of the graph, with adjacency matrix adjacency lists. If the graph has relatively few edges, the matrix of adjacency has many zeros and so the graph is represented by adjacency lists
                                                  1. In the case of dense directed graphs, for efficiency, the matrix of adjacency. Regardless of the representation, a Queue is used to store the vertices with degree of input 0
                                    2. References
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