The Executive Branch


Executive Branch Brainstorm
Ethan Hemric
Mind Map by Ethan Hemric, updated more than 1 year ago
Ethan Hemric
Created by Ethan Hemric over 9 years ago

Resource summary

The Executive Branch
  1. President
    1. Head of the government
      1. Commander-in-Chief of armed forces
        1. Responsible for enforcing laws
          1. Head of the Cabinet
            1. Atleast 35 years old
            2. The Vice President
              1. Ready to assume Presidency if President can't
                1. Elected by Electoral College
                  1. Also serves as President of The United States Senate
                  2. Cabinet
                    1. Made up of 15 executive departments
                      1. President appoints members
                      2. Some Departments
                        1. Agriculture
                          1. Commerce
                            1. Defense
                              1. Education
                                1. Energy
                                  1. Health and Human Services
                                    1. Homeland Security
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