Leon Trotsky


Overview of Trotsky
Mind Map by ctl7991, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ctl7991 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Leon Trotsky
  1. Trotsky was born Lev Davidovich Brostein, on 7th November 1879 in Yanovka, Ukraine.
    1. Involved in underground activities as teenager, and was arrested and sent to Siberia where he joined the Social Democratic party. Eventually escaped Siberia and lived abroad for 15 years.
      1. In 1903 Social Democrats split and Trotsky joined the Menshevik faction. He then developed his theory of 'permanent revolution'. He often tried to reconcile the Mensheviks and Bolsheviks leading to clashes with leaders of both parties, including Lenin.
      2. After 1917 revolution Trotsky returned to Russia and despite previous disagreements with Lenin joined the Bolshevik party.
        1. Saw provisional government as inneffectual.
          1. Kerensky saw him as a major threat and had him arrested. Joined Bolshevik party while in jail and released soon after.
          2. Elected Chairman of Petrograd Soviet after release from prison.
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