EPQ - Exploring the theories behind time travel


Mind Map on EPQ - Exploring the theories behind time travel, created by Veronika Kucheeva on 15/06/2022.
Veronika Kucheeva
Mind Map by Veronika Kucheeva, updated more than 1 year ago
Veronika Kucheeva
Created by Veronika Kucheeva over 2 years ago

Resource summary

EPQ - Exploring the theories behind time travel
  1. Paradoxes
    1. The Grandfather Paradox - if you go back in time and kill your grandfather, then you would have never been born to kill your grandfather , so you would be alive to kill your grandfather et.
      1. To go back or forwards in time, you would have to displace matter, but if your current self didn't already exist in that time then you would have to s suddenly take up take up space that you didn't before.
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