Basic Learning Rights


Presented to: Mayerli Martinez Gaitan and Angie Natalia Ardila Marin
Angie Marin
Mind Map by Angie Marin, updated more than 1 year ago
Angie Marin
Created by Angie Marin about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Basic Learning Rights
  1. Definition
    1. They are a tool created by the Ministry of National Education that is essential to ensure educational quality and equity for all children and young people in the country.
      1. Objetive
        1. Describe the knowledge and skills that students must learn and develop in the English area of the Colombian educational system, keeping consistency with the Curriculum Guidelines, the Basic Standards of Competence and the Curriculum.
    2. Importance
      1. They propose fundamental elements for the construction of learning in each school year so that students reach the goals set out in the Basic Standards of Competence on a pre-intermediate English proficiency level (B1) at the end of grade 11.
        1. Utility
          1. They serve as support for the development of curricular proposals integrated into the particular Institutional Educational Projects (PEI) that are specified in area plans
      2. Skills you develop
        1. Listening
          1. Reading
            1. Writing
              1. Monologue
                1. Conversation
                2. Addressed to
                  1. Territorial Entities
                    1. Educational institutions
                      1. Teachers and teaching directors
                        1. Families
                          1. Students
                          2. Organization
                            1. Grades
                              1. Transition to the fifth of basic primary.
                              2. Structure
                                1. A statement
                                  1. Some secondary ideas or clarifications
                                    1. An example of the BLR
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