
asdalidofkvk dfgdgdfvb
Mind Map by maffebb, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by maffebb over 9 years ago

Resource summary



  • FGFG
  1. Methodology
    1. Links theory and practice
      1. Theory: what is the language and as you learn theories of second language acquisition
        1. These theories are linked different design features in language teaching
          1. Among the features are: materials, student performance and teaching, activities, etc.
            1. These characteristics are related to the teaching and learning of language and all this set defines the methodology of language teaching
    2. The methodology used depends Apprentice
      1. Adults or young
        1. Adults: They have different interests differences in the brain limited time to learn different learning environments
          1. Young: improved learning ability better capacity pronunciation They are uninhibited
          2. Situations that may shape the teaching of second languages:
            1. Teacher / Learner Collaboration: This technique unites students and teachers using technology resources
              1. Synergistics Method: several methods together to improve learning
                1. Curriculum Developmentalism: Several considerations of instruction
                  1. Multi Intelligence: proposed activities according to the talent of apprentices, linguistic, logical, spatial, bodily, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalist
                    1. Communicative Language Teaching greater attention to gender and text types
                      1. Strategopedia:"Learning to Learn" cognitive and metacognitive strategies, students apply these strategies in learning tasks
                        1. Lexical phraseology; Understanding the use of lexical phrases, language teaching should focus on lexical patterns stored
                          1. O-zone Whole Language; how to increase student awareness of how language works through study that incorporates greater commitment to language, including literary studies, writing process, authentic content, and student collaboration.
                            1. Full-Frontal Communicativity: approach provide no linguistic aspects of communication: rhythm, speed, tone, intonation
                          2. Schools of Language Teaching Methodology
                            1. Distinction between method and approach
                              1. Methods: To set the techniques and practices of the education system
                                1. (1950-1980) the methods era where methods were proposed for language teaching
                                  1. Situational Language Teaching in UK
                                    1. Audio-lingualism, in the United States
                                      1. Emerged later, Silent Way Suggestopedia, Community Language Learning, and Total Physical Response
                                        1. Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)
                                          1. communicative teaching advocates say benefits
                                            1. *To communicate is necessary the interaction of different language skills
                                              1. * Students learn the language through use to communicate
                                                1. * The objective of the activity in class must be real and meaningful communication
                                                  1. * Fluency is important in communication
                                                    1. * For the construction of learning is necessary of trial and error
                                            2. Approaches: they represent the philosophy applied in teaching
                                              1. Nature appoach
                                                1. Cooperative language learning
                                                  1. Content-based teaching
                                                    1. Task-based learning
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