GI - Oral Diseases


Mind Map on GI - Oral Diseases, created by Nazik Al-Hashimi on 10/10/2015.
Nazik Al-Hashimi
Mind Map by Nazik Al-Hashimi, updated more than 1 year ago
Nazik Al-Hashimi
Created by Nazik Al-Hashimi over 9 years ago

Resource summary

GI - Oral Diseases


  • kfkdshfhdhfiehfi
  1. Leukoplasia
    1. Oral Hairy
      1. NOT dysplastic
        1. NO malignant potential
          1. EBV, HIV
            1. Hyperkeratosis and acanthosis
            2. Oral
              1. Dysplastic but BM is intact
                1. CAN'T be scraped off - DIFFERENTIATE from candida
                  1. RISK FACTOR:
                    1. Tobaco
                      1. HPV,
                        1. ill-fitting dentures
                        2. Pre-malignant (5%)
                      2. Erythroplasia
                          1. Pre-malignant ( > 50%)
                            1. ORAL CARCINOMA (Squamous cell carcinoma)
                                1. Endophytic (more dangerous)
                                  1. Exophytic
                                    1. Common Location
                                      1. ermilion border of lower lip
                                        1. floor of mouth
                                          1. Lateral border of tongue
                                            1. Spread via lymphatics
                                              1. Anterial cervical lymph node
                                            2. RISK FACTOR
                                              1. Tobaco chewing
                                                1. Alcohol
                                                  1. HPV 16 & 18
                                                    1. Ill-fitting dentures
                                                      1. Cervical, penile, an anal cancer
                                                      2. Investigation:
                                                        1. Biopsy: malignant squamous cells with keratin pearls
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