'The key feature of a dictatorship was the attempt to control what they believed.' How accurate is this statement?


Mind Map on 'The key feature of a dictatorship was the attempt to control what they believed.' How accurate is this statement?, created by w.lutwyche.2015 on 10/10/2015.
Mind Map by w.lutwyche.2015, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by w.lutwyche.2015 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

'The key feature of a dictatorship was the attempt to control what they believed.' How accurate is this statement?
  1. What is a dictatorship?
    1. How did Adolf Hitler attempt to control the lives of others?
      1. Key Events leading up to 1945.
      2. What are the key features of the Nazi Party?
        1. Key Concepts


          • Add in
          1. Dictator
            1. Dictatorship
              1. Dictatorship Control
                1. Attempt
                  1. Accurate
                    1. Third Reich
                      1. Totalitarian State
                        1. Key Features
                        2. What are the key features of a dictatorship?
                          1. What Nazi Party policies tried to control the lives of others?
                            1. What are the key features of Nazism ideology?
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