
Mario Sanchez
Mind Map by Mario Sanchez, updated more than 1 year ago
Mario Sanchez
Created by Mario Sanchez over 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Matching
    1. You must connect items on one list with items on another generally by placing a number or letter. The best way to approach matching questions of this kind is to choose one of the columns and match as many items as you can with those in the other column. Work with only one column at a time.
    2. True & False
      1. It consists of a single statement; your job is to decide whether it's true. Watch for those little words that can turn an otherwise true statement into one that is false, or vice versa.
        1. If you don't know an answer, always guess-unless the scoring formula is "rights minus wrongs." In true-false tests, your first hunch is usually correct. Don't change an answer unless you are very sure of the change. If any part of the statement is false, the whole statement is false.
        2. Math & Science
          1. Do the easy ones first. Read the problem. Estimate the answer before you start to work on the problem. Include the units with all answers and round them to the proper place.
            1. In preparing for problem exams it is important that you work many problems. If the exam will require you to perform mathematical proofs or derivations, be certain that you know which proofs may be required. See your instructor for pre-exam help when you need it, but come prepared with a list of specific questions. Go over every test after you take it.
            2. Essay Exam
              1. Guidlines
                1. Make sure you are ready for the test both mentally and physically. Listen carefully to the final instructions of the teacher.
                  1. Begin the test immediately and watch the time carefully. Read all the essay questions carefully, paying special attention to the key words.
                  2. Planning and Writing
                    1. It is important to understand what the teacher is asking for in an essay question.
                      1. Read the question several times or until you clearly understand what is being asked for. Outline the main points you plan to cover in your answer. Write your essay.
                    2. General Tips
                      1. Taking a Test
                        1. Read the directions. Answer the easy questions first. Go back to the difficult questions.
                          1. Answer all questions. Ask the instructor to explain any items that are not clear. Try to answer the questions from the instructor's point of view.
                            1. Circle key words in difficult questions. Express difficult questions in your own words. Use all of the time allotted for the test.
                            2. Before you Begin
                              1. Preview the test before you answer anything. Quickly calculate how much time you should allow for each section according to the point value. Do a mind dump.
                            3. Multiple Choice
                              1. Anticipate the answer before you look at the choices. Read over all of your options. Eliminate highly implausible answers. Answer all questions in order without skipping or jumping around. Do not linger too long on any one question.
                                1. Reread all questions containing negative wording such as "not" or "least." Check for qualifying words such as "all-most-some-none," "always-usually-seldom-never," "best-worst," or "smallest-largest." Watch for modifying or limiting phrases inserted into the true/false questions. Be alert for multiple ideas or concepts within the same true/false statements. Be alert for grammatical inconsistencies between the question stem and the answer choices on multiple-choice questions.
                                  1. Be cautious about changing your answer to a true/false or multiple-choice question without a good reason. Apply the same approach to answering both true/false and multiple-choice questions. The same techniques will work equally well for both, since multiple-choice questions are basically true/false questions arranged in groups.
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