Exodus, WW, and Tabernacle


review of exodus , the wilderness wanderings, and priestly duties
Mind Map by miranda.jones, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by miranda.jones about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Exodus, WW, and Tabernacle
  1. Themes: Attributes and Names of God, redemption, biblical ethics, worship, covenant
    1. Key Events in the life of Moes
      1. 1) Moses is hidden by his mother for 3 mo to protect him from death of Hebrew children
        1. adopted by princess (pharaoh's daughter)
          1. Given royal education in Hebrew, Akkadian, and Hiroglyphics; great military leader (1st 40 years)
            1. kills an Egyptian than flees to Median
            2. 2) Moses lives in Median
              1. Meets Zippy and then marries her
                1. Work as a shepherd under Jethro his father- in-law
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