Feudalism Structure of Japan


10 World History (Unit 2) Mind Map on Feudalism Structure of Japan, created by Katie Harmeyer on 19/10/2015.
Katie Harmeyer
Mind Map by Katie Harmeyer, updated more than 1 year ago
Katie Harmeyer
Created by Katie Harmeyer over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Feudalism Structure of Japan
  1. Shogun *only technically underneath emporer
    1. Theoretically, emperor had more power
      1. In reality, the emperor was respected, but powerless
      2. Supreme military commander
        1. Most warfare was between daimyos
          1. Total of three military dynasties from which these commanders came
        2. Samurai *underneath daimyo
          1. Warrior lords/fighting acristocacy
            1. When daimyos engaged in battle (which was often), samurai were the ones to fight
              1. Had a status in society-below the daimyos but significantly above peasant class
              2. Behaved according to bushido
                1. Comparable to Western Europe's chivalry
                  1. According to bushido, samurai pledged to be brave, honest, and loyal to their daimyo
                2. Daimyo *underneath shogun
                  1. Underneath the shogun in social class, received land from shogun
                    1. Daimyos then distributed land to their samurai
                      1. Tokugawa shoguns required daimyos to travel to the capital every other year
                      2. "Feudal lords"
                        1. Samurai fought in wars for the Daimyos
                          1. Daimyos would have power over their own samurai and peasant classes
                            1. Often engaged in wars against each other
                          2. Peasants, Artisans and Merchants *significantly underneath samurai
                            1. Peasants typically cultivated rice and other crops
                              1. Could rise to become samurai under RARE circumstances
                                1. Peasants also were sometimes foot soldiers
                                  1. 75% of population
                                  2. While artisans made up less population than peasants, they were of the same social class
                                    1. Made swords, armor and other necessary goods for samurai
                                    2. Merchants started with a lower rank than peasants and artisans
                                      1. This is because they depended on others to make profit, which is looked down upon in Confucianism
                                        1. Moved up in rank as trade increased
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