

Mind Map on Connectors, created by Augusto Friedrichsen de Medeiros on 13/11/2022.
Augusto Friedrichsen de Medeiros
Mind Map by Augusto Friedrichsen de Medeiros, updated more than 1 year ago
Augusto Friedrichsen de Medeiros
Created by Augusto Friedrichsen de Medeiros over 2 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Emphasis
    1. Above all, Especially, More importantly, Indeed, Significantly, Notably, In particular
      1. If you want to add emphasis to your idea, this is the type of connector that you’ll use.
      2. Sequence
        1. Firstly, Secondly, Then, Next, Afterwards, Finally, Eventually, Previously
          1. Sequence connectors are used to link opinions from one sentence to the next and to give paragraphs coherence.
          2. Opinion
            1. I feel, I believe, I think, As fas as I know, In my opinion, I'm my view, It seems likely, It seems to me
              1. Connector for expressing opinion
              2. Addition
                1. And, Also, In addition, Furthermore, As well as, Further, And then, Too
                  1. The common connecting words used to show addition
                  2. Contrast
                    1. However, Nevertheless, Alternatively, Despite this, On the contrary, Yet, Whereas, Apart from
                      1. Contrast connectors are used to present a contradiction between ideas
                      2. Cause and Effect
                        1. Because, Since, For, So, Consequently, Therefore, Thus, Hence
                          1. We use several different words to show cause and effect
                          2. Ilustration
                            1. For example, For instance, Such as, In other words, As instance, As revealed by, To show that
                              1. We use illustration connectors to clarify an idea
                              2. Comparison
                                1. Equally, As with, Likewise, In the same way, Similarly, Like, Of contrast, Despite this
                                  1. Comparison connectors help you show that there is similarity between two ideas.
                                  2. Conclusion
                                    1. To conclude, In conslusion, Finally, On the whole, Summarising, Overall, To sum up, Evidently
                                      1. The Conclusion connectors are those words or phrases that are used to introduce an idea in the speech closing or summary.
                                      2. Persuasion
                                        1. Of course, Clearly, Evidently, Surely, Indeed, Undoubtedly, Decidedly, Certainly
                                          1. Logical connectives are used in persuasive writing to make the arguments flow.
                                          2. The connectors in English , also called conjunctive words, words linking two similar elements in a sentence.
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