Kievan Rus


9th grade World History (Medieval Europe) Mind Map on Kievan Rus, created by Isabel Pearson on 30/11/2022.
Isabel Pearson
Mind Map by Isabel Pearson, updated more than 1 year ago
Isabel Pearson
Created by Isabel Pearson about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Kievan Rus
  1. Who?
    1. vikings
      1. from Russia to Byzantine Empire
    2. Where?
      1. Eastern Europe
        1. Nougorod
          1. Kiev
      2. Significance
        1. trade routes
          1. Baltic
            1. Constantinople
              1. Baghdad
                1. Connected to
          2. eventual
            1. foundation of Russian identity (cult)
          3. Origins
            1. Rurik + 2 brothers
              1. Novgorod
                1. Oleg the Prophet
                  1. to...
                    1. Kiev
                    2. ***trade agreements with the Byzantine
              2. Stucture
                1. Principalities (confederacy)
                  1. Vladimir "the Great"
                    1. *unify through Orthodox Church
                      1. Byzantine Empire
                  2. Problem
                    1. Thus
                      1. perception of weakness
                        1. Worsened by
                          1. Byzantine Decline
                      2. Lack of centralized authority
                        1. Examples: Swahili, Merchant Sultanate, Ashikaga, Hanseatic League
                        2. Vulnerablity
                          1. Principalities (internal strife)
                            1. No cent. auth.
                            2. Polovtsy
                              1. displaced neighbors
                                1. Asking for help
                              2. Poor choice
                                1. kill Mongol emissaries
                            3. Impact
                              1. Golden Horde
                                1. Annilate Rus
                                  1. Political
                                    1. absorbed into Golden economy
                                    2. Unity
                                      1. cultural (Orthodox Church)
                                        1. military and tax exemptions
                                        2. strengthens Orthodox Church
                                          1. Moves center to Moscow
                                            1. Metropolitans
                                              1. leaders
                                                1. "missions"
                                                  1. rural
                                        3. Collaboration
                                          1. Appoint local rulers to collect taxes
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