Anglo-Saxons & Vikings


Mind Map on Anglo-Saxons & Vikings, created by Nancy Januario on 06/12/2022.
Nancy Januario
Mind Map by Nancy Januario, updated more than 1 year ago
Nancy Januario
Created by Nancy Januario almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

Anglo-Saxons & Vikings
  1. Whole Class Guided Reading
    1. Viking Voyager by Jack Tite
      1. Poetry
      2. Art and Design
        1. Paper collage to create mixed media maps
        2. Maths
          1. Fractions
            1. Area
              1. Multiplication and Division
              2. Computing
                1. Programming (2) - computational thinking
                2. History
                  1. Depth Enquiry Question: What was similar and different between Anglo-Saxon and Viking Britain?
                    1. A study of an aspect of history or a site dating from a period beyond 1066
                      1. A depth study linked to Anglo-Saxons & vikings
                    2. Science
                      1. Sound
                      2. PSHE
                        1. Relationships
                        2. PE
                          1. Dance
                          2. English
                            1. Writing to entertain - Arthur and the Golden Rope by Joe Todd Stanton
                              1. Writing to persuade - Varmints by Helen Ward & Marc Craste (short film &book)
                              2. Launch
                                1. Discovering runes! Ask and answer questions. Make your own rune
                                2. RE
                                  1. Sikhism - The Gurdwara & The Guru Granth
                                  2. French
                                    1. Naming pets
                                    2. Trips/Workshops
                                      1. Perform for Schools: Vikings vs Anglo-Saxons workshop
                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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