The future


Mapa conceptual Abigail Almeida 1ro BGU
Abigail Almeida
Mind Map by Abigail Almeida, updated more than 1 year ago
Abigail Almeida
Created by Abigail Almeida over 2 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

The future
  1. 2050
    1. Futurologist Jane Hill thinks it will be better.
      1. People are going to live to be 110 or even 120 years old,ando there won't be any cancers
        1. The future is going to be very , very exciting
      2. Computers with artificial intelligence are going to solve many of ourt present problems
        1. She thinks that by 2050 people will take vacations in space and live on Mars, and one of her most exciting predictions is that we will have regular
          1. Contact with extraterrestrials
          2. The future is already here
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