3.8 Cultural Variations


A level Psychology (attachments) Mind Map on 3.8 Cultural Variations, created by Alicja Klak on 02/01/2023.
Alicja Klak
Mind Map by Alicja Klak, updated more than 1 year ago
Alicja Klak
Created by Alicja Klak about 2 years ago

Resource summary

3.8 Cultural Variations
  1. Van Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg (1988)
    1. Analysed 32 studies in 8 different countries using a meta analysis. Calculated an average percentage for different attachment styles.
      1. Findings: Secure attachment was the majority of infants with 70%. Lowest percentage of secure was in China and highest in Great Britain. Found that western countries that support independence had high levels of insecure avoidant. Individualist cultures had under 14% of children as Type C, but collectivist cultures had above 25%
    2. Other studies
      1. Italian studies
        1. Simonelli (2014) conducted a study in italy, finding 50% secure and 36% insecure avoidant. Suggests that patterns of attachment types are not static.
        2. Korean study
          1. Conducted a study assessing 87 babies, those classifying as insecure were majorly resistant with only one avoidant.
          2. Secure attachment most popular amongst all countries.
          3. Evaluation
            1. Strengths:
              1. Most studies were conducted by indigenous psychologists therefore enhancing the validity.
              2. Weaknesses:
                1. Confounding variables. Not all experiments are matched in methodology and environmental variables may differ.
                  1. Imposing etic. Behaviours assessed in Strange Situation may have different meanings in different cultural contexts.
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