Hamlet - Act 2 - Characters


Mind Map on Hamlet - Act 2 - Characters, created by Anne Howells on 26/10/2015.
Anne Howells
Mind Map by Anne Howells, updated more than 1 year ago
Anne Howells
Created by Anne Howells almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Hamlet - Act 2 - Characters
  1. Polonius
    1. Loyal to the throne
      1. Deceitful and cunning
        1. Dogmatic and self-opinionated
          1. Sends Reynaldo to spy on his son. Allows him to sully the reputation of him
            1. Speeches have little substance - everything is in black and white
              1. Pretentious
                1. Stoops to gain favour from Claudius
                  1. Prepared to spy on Hamlet and use his daughter as a decoy
                    1. Loves to hear himself talk
                      1. Likes to air his knowledge in company of others
                      2. Reynaldo
                        1. Servant to Polonius
                          1. Spying on Laertes
                          2. Ophelia
                            1. Deals with Hamlet's madness with dignity
                              1. Young and innocent
                                1. Docile, timid and gentle
                                  1. Not like her brother or father
                                  2. Claudius
                                    1. Unscrupulous about spying
                                      1. Uses Rosencratnz and Guildernstern and permits Polonius to spy on Hamlet
                                        1. Ruthless
                                          1. Fond of drink, carousing and merriment
                                          2. Queen
                                            1. Does know her own son. She knew why he was melancholic
                                            2. Guildenstern and Rosencrantz
                                              1. Childhood friends to Hamlet
                                                1. Betray friendship by standing by Claudius
                                                  1. Self-seeking, flatter King to gain favour
                                                    1. Little moral sense
                                                      1. Disloyal to Hamlet
                                                      2. Hamlet
                                                        1. Not naturally of a gloomy disposition, he's active and cheerful
                                                          1. Friendly and hospitable to friends and players, but mood changes around King, Queen and courtiers
                                                            1. At ease and mixes well around new people
                                                              1. Beset by his doubts
                                                                1. Torn by decision, self reproach
                                                                  1. Anger towards Claudius
                                                                    1. Meditations long and complex, usually dominated by passion
                                                                      1. Criticises himself for being "John-a-dreams", doing nothing
                                                                        1. Verbalises emotions accurately
                                                                          1. Antic dispostition - Alternates between weary apathy and sudden outburst of passion, deep mediation and bitter mockery (Sarcastic retorts)
                                                                            1. Never loses contact with reality - enigmatic but not incoherent
                                                                              1. Madness - ironic mockery
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