

A mind map of Cryptosporiosis a water bourne disease.
Christian Cashel
Mind Map by Christian Cashel, updated more than 1 year ago
Christian Cashel
Created by Christian Cashel over 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Causative Organism
    1. Cryptosporidium
    2. Incubation Period
      1. 1 to 12 days
      2. Controls & Prevention
        1. Controls
          1. Cases treated with re-hydration
            1. Exclude Symptomatic from food handling or medical work until asymptomatic
              1. Avoid swimming in public pools for 2 weeks after diarrhoea has stopped
              2. Prevention
                1. Encourage good personal hygiene, especially following contact with animals or infected persons
                  1. Filter or boil contaminated drinking water
                2. Period of Communicability
                  1. May be infectious for as long as oocysts are present in stool
                    1. Asymptomatic excretion may persist for several weeks after symptoms resolve
                    2. Mode of Transmission
                      1. Faecal-Oral
                      2. Signs & Symptoms
                        1. Watery Diarrhoea
                          1. Nausea
                            1. Vommitting
                              1. Abdominal Pain
                                1. Dehydration
                                  1. Lack of Appetite
                                    1. Fever
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