sentence semantics 1: situations


Mind Map on sentence semantics 1: situations, created by Fernanda Méndez on 27/10/2015.
Fernanda Méndez
Mind Map by Fernanda Méndez, updated more than 1 year ago
Fernanda Méndez
Created by Fernanda Méndez over 9 years ago

Resource summary

sentence semantics 1: situations
  1. situation type: allows the speaker to describe a situation
    1. dynamic: imply that the action has sub-parts
      1. stative verbs: describe states
        1. aspect: grammatical system relating to time
          1. dynamic verbs can be classified into a number of types
            1. durative/punctual
              1. is applied to the verbs which describe a situation or process which last for a period of time
                1. describes an event that seems so instantaneous that it involves virtually no time
                2. telic/atelic
                  1. events
                    1. the internal structure of a dynamic situation
                    2. processes
                      1. the speaker views the situation as a whole
                        1. inchoactives/resultatives
                        2. semelfactives are instantaneous atelic events
                          1. achievements are instantaneous changes of states
                          2. perfect aspect allows a speaker to emphasize the relevance to an anchoring point of an event in its past
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