Tectonic processes and hazards


A mind map covering edexcel alevel geography tectonics
Milly Brown
Mind Map by Milly Brown, updated 11 months ago
Milly Brown
Created by Milly Brown about 1 year ago

Resource summary

Tectonic processes and hazards
  1. Locations at risk
    1. Global distribution
      1. Earthquakes
        1. Often found on plate boundaries
          1. Around 70% of all earthquakes are in the "Ring of Fire"
            1. Most powerful on convergent and conservative boundaries
              1. Distribution of earthquakes reveals a pattern
                1. Oceanic fracture zone - along mid-ocean ridges
                  1. Continental fracture zones - along mountain ranges
                    1. Intra-plate earthquakes can occur on old fault lines
                2. Volcanoes
                  1. Plate boundary
                    1. Hot spots and magma plumes
                    2. Plate movement
                      1. Processes and hazards
                      2. Hazards and disasters
                        1. Management
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