The Selection: Mind Map


Mind Map
Katerina Eilers
Mind Map by Katerina Eilers, updated more than 1 year ago
Katerina Eilers
Created by Katerina Eilers almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

The Selection: Mind Map
  1. Main Conflict:
    1. Cause :America actually ends up getting picked for the Selection
      1. : Aspen makes America sign up for the Selection.
      2. Theme:
        1. Message: Have confidence.
          1. How brought out in book: America doesn't have confidence that she will win.
          2. Setting:
            1. Time: Almost 80 years into the future.
              1. Location: Illea, The palace.
              2. Characters:
                1. Aspen:
                  1. Characteristic: Strong and knows what he wants.
                  2. Maxon:
                    1. Characteristic: Kind and calm
                    2. America:
                      1. Characteristic: Brave and independent.
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