Multimedia / Teaching and Learning


Multimedia Mind-Map
Cris G
Mind Map by Cris G, updated more than 1 year ago
Cris G
Created by Cris G over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Multimedia / Teaching and Learning
  1. Information Society
    1. Knowledge Society
      1. Knowledge
      2. Data
        1. Information
        2. Teaching Competences
          1. Learning Competences
            1. Visible Thinking
              1. Project - Based Learning
                1. Flipped Learning
                  1. Case - Based Learning
                    1. Problem - Based Learning
                        1. Webquest
                      1. Visibile Thinking
                        1. Flipped Classrooms
                        2. Cognitive Divide
                          1. Digital Divide
                            1. Edutainment
                              1. Digital Literacies
                                1. Media literacy
                                  1. Career and Identity managment
                                    1. ICT Literacy
                                      1. Information Literacty
                                        1. Communication and Collaboration
                                          1. Digital Scholarship
                                            1. Learning Skills
                                        2. Convergence Culture
                                          1. Participatory Culture
                                            1. Prosumer
                                              1. Consumer
                                                1. Multiple Screens
                                                  1. Transmedia Story Telling
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                                          Collaborative Learning
                                          Memory Model
                                          Bryana Brooner
                                          Interactive Multimodal Learning Environments
                                          5 Steps to Learning Success
                                          Andrea Leyden
                                          Study Tips to Improve your Learning
                                          10 good study habits every student should have
                                          Micheal Heffernan
                                          Making the Most of GoConqr Flashcards
                                          Sarah Egan
                                          Improve your Learning using GoConqr
                                          Micheal Heffernan
                                          computer systems and programming quiz
                                          Molly Batch
                                          Proven Ways Flashcards Improve Learning
                                          The Importance of a Growth Mindset for Learning
                                          Sarah Egan