learning approach - social learning


AS - Level psychology (chapter 4 - approaches in psychology ) Mind Map on learning approach - social learning, created by Daisy U on 03/11/2015.
Daisy  U
Mind Map by Daisy U, updated more than 1 year ago
Daisy  U
Created by Daisy U over 9 years ago

Resource summary

learning approach - social learning
  1. assumptions
    1. Bandura
      1. we learn through experience
        1. but there is a different way people learn
          1. through imitation
        2. vicarious reinforcement
          1. learning needs observation
            1. occurs more if the model is rewarded or punished
              1. observes behaviour and consequences of it
              2. mediational processes
                1. learning theory => SLT <= cognitive
                  1. ARMM
                    1. attention
                      1. the extent we notice behaviours
                      2. retention
                        1. how well the behaviour is rememberedd
                        2. motor reproduction
                          1. the ability the observer has to perform the behaviour
                          2. motivation
                            1. the will to perform the behaviour (vicarious reinforcement increases the likelihood of this)
                      3. identification
                        1. more likely to repeat if you can identify
                          1. called role models
                            1. similar characteristics - but have high status
                            2. evaluation
                              1. cognitive factors
                                1. you cannot learn just by conditioning you need information about the behaviour of others
                                  1. store information about behaviour to make judgements
                                    1. thus is a more comprehensive explanation of human learning
                                    2. over reliance form lab studies
                                      1. Bandura did lots of his experiments in a lab
                                        1. demand characteristics
                                          1. is the main purpose of the Bobo doll to hit it?
                                            1. is it reliable?
                                          2. underestimates biological factors
                                            1. Bandura - boys ore aggressive than girls
                                              1. biological - hormones = more aggressive
                                          3. evaluation +
                                            1. cultural differences
                                              1. learn from people and media around
                                                1. this can prove a different range of behaviours
                                                  1. can come to understand gender roles
                                                  2. less determinist
                                                    1. Bandura - reciprocal determinism
                                                      1. not merely influenced by external environment but also exert an influence upon it
                                                        1. some free will
                                                    2. Bobo doll Bandura
                                                      1. 1961 - watched adults be nice then aggressive to the doll then copied the behaviour
                                                        1. 1963 - showed videos of vicarious reinforcement with the doll(praised and punished)
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