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Prokaryotic Cells
Mind map of prokaryotic cells and microscopy
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prokaryotic cells
pack 2 eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells
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Mind Map by
Jacob Shepherd
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Jacob Shepherd
over 9 years ago
Resource summary
Prokaryotic Cells
Its cells lack a nucleus
The DNA is free floating in a circle
e.g. bacteria cell
Cell wall is made up of murein
Cell wall
Excludes substances
Protects against mechanical damage and osmotic lysis
Cell surface membrane
This is inside the cell wall
It encloses the cytoplasm
Controls entry and exit of chemicals
It has a permeable layer
70S in prokaryotic cells
Protein synthesis
Circular strand of DNA
(DNA is still a double helix)
It is not associated with proteins
i.e. not wrapped around protein
Found in central area of the cell called the nucleoid
Stores genetic information for replication of bacterial cells
This is how many times bigger the image is than the actual object
Magnification = size of image/size of real object
This is the minimum distance apart two objects can be in order to appear as separate items
The human eye has a resolution of 0.2mm
The light microscope has a resolving power of 0.2 micro metres
The best electron microscope has a resolution of 0.1nm
The light microscope
Specimens must be thin sections of prepared tissue that has been stained with coloured pigments
Or they can be small live specimens like Daphnia
Sections must be thin to allow light to pass through and to make sure you are only looking at a single layer of cell
They must be stained as sections are often transparent
A beam of light is shone through the specimen through a series of lenses resulting in a magnified image
Very little intracellular detail can be seen
The eyepiece graticule
Usually around 10mm long with 100 sub divisions
Stage micrometer
This is usually 1mm long it goes on the specimen stage
Calibrating the eyepiece graticule
Because the scale remains constant no matter what magnification you're on, you must change the eyepiece graticule
The electron microscope
This uses a beam of electrons rather than light
The electron beam has a shorter wavelength than light which means the resolving power is higher
Transmission electron microscope (TEM)
Ultra thin sections needed, must be stained and heavy metals are needed
Where electrons pass thought the specimen the image appears bright and when the electrons are absorbed the image is dark
A near vacuum is required
Specimen must be dead
2D black and white images
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
Electrons do not penetrate the specimen
The beam is passed to and fro over the specimen surface in a regular pattern
Electrons are scattered depending on the contours
Produces a 3D image
Black and white
Resolution is lower than that of the TEM
Due to all of the processes the specimens must undergo under microscopes, images may contain objects that shouldn't be there
An artefact may be a break in a membrane, empty spaces in cells
In the TEM heavy metal stains are used, so granular deposits may be seen
It is therefore not possible to be sure what we see on an image is the actual natural specimen
Some prokaryotic cells have
Small circular strand of DNA
Gives genes that aid survival
e.g. they can reproduce with antibiotic resistance
Used extensively as vectors
This is mucilaginous slime around the outside of the cell wall
It stops bacteria being deteced
This protected them from other cells
It helps bacteria stick together for protection
Used for locomotion
Makes bacteria move
This is an acellular, non living particle
Contains nucleic acids such as DNA or RNA as genetic material enclosed in a protein coat or capsid
Capsid or envelope have attachment proteins
These allow the virus to identify and attach to a host cell
Can only multiply inside a living host cell
May be surrounded by a living host cell
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