

Year 10 Digital Technologies Mind Map on Test, created by Minho Sung on 06/06/2024.
Minho Sung
Mind Map by Minho Sung, updated 8 months ago
Minho Sung
Created by Minho Sung 8 months ago

Resource summary

  1. Jokes
    1. total: 744
      1. Ensure all 744 can be displayed on webpage
        1. Thus, not limited by API's limit on how many jokes can be retrieved at once
      2. Some have line breaks
        1. Ensure formatting from API is maintained when displayed on webpage
        2. Some are long strings
          1. Ensure webpage provides enough space for entire joke to fit within content
        3. API calls/ Integrated Features
          1. Returned Format (header)
            1. JSON
              1. application/json
              2. HTML
                1. text/html
                2. Plain text
                  1. text/plain
                3. Retrieving Dad Joke
                  1. Random
                    1. API call
                      1. GET https://icanhazdadjoke.com/
                      2. Retrieves 1 joke
                      3. Search by Term
                        1. API call
                          1. GET https://icanhazdadjoke.com/search
                          2. parameters
                            1. page
                              1. Which page of results to fetch (default: 1)
                              2. limit
                                1. Number of results to return per page (default: 20) (max: 30)
                                2. term
                                  1. Search term to use (default: list all jokes)
                                3. Retrieves all jokes matching the search term
                                4. Search by ID
                                  1. API call
                                    1. GET https://icanhazdadjoke.com/j/<joke_id>
                                    2. Retrieves 1 Joke matching ID
                                    3. As image
                                      1. GET https://icanhazdadjoke.com/j/<joke_id>.png
                                        1. Retrieves joke string as image
                                    4. Front End
                                      1. Search Jokes
                                        1. Search Jokes
                                          1. Separated by pages
                                            1. Better to display all at once
                                            2. Small searchbar
                                              1. Displays number of jokes returned
                                                1. Implement into solution
                                              2. Random Dad Joke
                                                  1. New Joke Button
                                                    1. Necessary
                                                    2. Share features
                                                      1. Unnecessary
                                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


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