Is It Fair? RE Mindmap


A revision resource for the topic 'Is it fair'?
Mind Map by SaranganiA, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by SaranganiA over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Is It Fair? RE Mindmap
  1. Key concepts
    1. Authority- right or power over others. E.g.the Law, or teachings from a sacred text
      1. Identity- the personality and character of an individual. Each person has their own identity and is unique.
      2. Discrimination- treating people differently because of their religion/gender/race/class
        1. Injustice- withholding someone's human rights. E.g. imprisonment without trial
        2. Equality-being treated the same. E.g. we are all equal before God
          1. Prejudice- when a person is judged without any evidence. E.g. because of the colour of their skin
        3. Christianity
          1. Men and Women
            1. Men and women created in God's image- Genesis
              1. Jesus didn't treat women badly- follow his example. Women were also first to see Jesus had come back to life
                1. Many churches have women priests(not Roman Catholic or Orthodox
                2. Racism
                  1. Jesus mixed with all kinds of people- he taught that Christians should all love one another and help each other- Parable of the Good Samaritan
                    1. Martin Luther King- Christian example
                      1. Racism, prejudice and discrimination are wrong- God made us all equal
                      2. Wealth and Charity
                        1. Christians should not worry about money- being rich is not the most important thing- Jesus cared for the poor.
                          1. Should be generous and give to others as you will be judged as to how you treat the poor. Money should be shared
                            1. Greediness is wrong- Love of money is root of all evil
                            2. Justice
                              1. God will reward the good and punish the bad
                                1. Bible says: God is just, that people should be treated fairly, the rich should share with the poor
                                2. Christian Aid
                                  1. Helps poorer nations; works in 60+ countries
                                    1. Making world more equal, providing funds for people to become self-supportive, campaigning to get rid of injustice, promoting Fairtrade
                                      1. Follow the Golden Rule of treating others how you want to be treated and loving your neighbour- Jesus' example
                                      2. Martin Luther King Jr
                                        1. Campaigned for black people's rights
                                          1. Followed Jesus' example of loving your neighbour- non violent methods
                                            1. Organised boycotts, marches and demonstrations
                                              1. Asassinated in 1968
                                              2. Media
                                                1. Propaganda- influences our decisions and how we see things
                                                  1. Certain groups represented in certain ways. E.g. young people/ Islamaphobia
                                                2. Hinduism
                                                  1. Men and Women
                                                    1. Women mainly perform puja at home
                                                      1. Laws of Manu- supported by husbands and sons
                                                        1. Women don't act as priests, but only boys experience sacred thread ceremony
                                                          1. Indian Constitution- recognises equal rights for women
                                                          2. Racism
                                                            1. God created all life- every soul (atma) is part of God
                                                              1. Racism, prejudice and discrimination are all wrong
                                                                1. Good karma if you respect and care for others
                                                                  1. Ahimsa (non-violence)- discourages discrimination
                                                                    1. Caste system- way of treating everyone with respect
                                                                      1. Follow Gandhi's example- equality
                                                                      2. Wealth and Charity
                                                                        1. Greed will lead to bad karma
                                                                          1. You can fulfil your dharma(duty) by earning enough money to support your family
                                                                            1. Artha(gaining wealth by lawful means is acceptable
                                                                              1. If a Hindu is greedy, they should be generous and give money to the poor- leads to good karma
                                                                              2. Justice
                                                                                1. Part of dharma to promote justice- treating people equally,, equal rights, fair world
                                                                                  1. Hindu cycle of life based on justice- fulfil dharma, get good karma, leads to moksha
                                                                                    1. Gandhi's example and teachings from gurus and swamis
                                                                                      1. Caste system- justice as good are rewarded, bad are punished
                                                                                      2. Injustice- Gandhi
                                                                                        1. Stood up against British rule in India
                                                                                          1. Ahimsa- used non-violent methods, e.g. demonstrations and protests. When followers used violence, he went on a fast until it stopped.
                                                                                            1. British imprisoned him- eventually India got independence
                                                                                              1. Assassinated in 1948
                                                                                              2. Hare Krishna Food for Life
                                                                                                1. Founder of ISKCON ordered no-one within 10 miles of a temple to go hungry
                                                                                                  1. Share food in 60+ countries & provide 400 free meals to homeless in London
                                                                                                    1. Based on belief that Hindus will get good karma if they care for the less fortunate
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