

Beginning Medical Billing and Coding Mind Map on Endrocine, created by marihdimitri30 on 08/11/2015.
Mind Map by marihdimitri30, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by marihdimitri30 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Hormones
    1. Adrenal Glands
      1. Epinephrine, norepinephrine
        1. Flight-or-fight response
      2. Hypothamus
        1. growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH)
          1. Increases release of growth hormone from pituitary gland
          2. Growth hormone-inhibiting hormone (GHIH)
            1. decreases the release of hormone from pituitary gland
            2. corticotropin-releasing hormone(CRH)
              1. increases the release of adrenocorticotropic hormone from the pituitary gland
              2. gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GRH)
                1. increases the release of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone from pituitary gland
                2. thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH)
                  1. increases the release of thyroid-stimulating hormone from pituitary gland
                3. Pancreas
                  1. insulin and Glucagon
                    1. lowers blood sugar with insulin
                      1. raises blood sugar with glucagon
                    2. Pineal
                      1. Melatonin
                        1. Regulates sleep
                      2. Parathyroid Glands
                        1. parathyroid hormone
                          1. increases blood calcium
                        2. Pituatory
                          1. Posterior
                            1. antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
                              1. dilutes blood and increases fluid volume by increasing water reabsorption in the kidney
                              2. oxytocin
                                1. increases uterine contractions
                              3. Anterior
                                1. growth hormone (GH)
                                  1. increases tissue growth
                                  2. thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
                                    1. increases secretion of thyroid hormones
                                    2. adrenocorticotropic hormones (ACTH)
                                      1. increases steroid secretion from adrenal glands
                                      2. Prolactin
                                        1. increases milk production
                                        2. luteinizing hormone (LH)
                                          1. stimulates ovaries and testes for ovulation and sperm production
                                          2. follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
                                            1. estrogen secretion and sperm production
                                      3. Testes
                                        1. testosterone
                                          1. controls secondary characteristics such as growth of hair, deepening voice, increase musculature and production of sperm
                                        2. Ovaries
                                          1. Estrogen, Progesterone
                                            1. controls sexual reproduction, secondary characteristics such as pubic and axillary hair, and breast development
                                          2. Thyriod
                                            1. thyroxine, triiodothyronine
                                              1. Controls cellular Metabolism
                                              2. Calcitonin
                                                1. decreases blood calcium
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