Classification of Algae


Classification of algae
aina syazlin
Mind Map by aina syazlin, updated more than 1 year ago
aina syazlin
Created by aina syazlin about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Classification of Algae
  1. Chrysophyta
    1. Golden - brown algae
      1. produce domoic acid
        1. unicellular
          1. cell wall - peptin and silica
            1. sexual reproduction
              1. storage material - oil
              2. Euglenophyta
                1. Green colour
                  1. unicellular flagellated
                    1. no sexual reproduction
                      1. storage material - glucose polymer
                        1. can spontaneously lost chlorophyll (dark)
                        2. Pyrrophyta
                          1. unicellular plankton
                            1. Brownish
                              1. 2 flagella in perpendicular opposing grooves
                                1. can cause 'red tides'
                                  1. cell wall - cellulose
                                    1. storage material - starch
                                    2. Chlorophyta
                                      1. Green algae
                                        1. cellulose cell walls
                                          1. unicellular or multicellular
                                            1. cholorophyll a and b
                                              1. store glucose polymer
                                              2. Phaeophyta
                                                1. Brownish colour
                                                  1. macroscopic
                                                    1. multicellular
                                                      1. cell wall - cellulose / algin
                                                        1. sexual reproduction
                                                          1. storage material - carbohydrate
                                                          2. Rhodophyta
                                                            1. Reddish colour
                                                              1. red pigment absorb blue light
                                                                1. cell wall - cellulose / agar
                                                                  1. sexual reproduction
                                                                    1. habitat - marine
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