The area of Cognition or mental processes involved in acquiring knowledge, has been studied
since the first psychologists studied consciousness. Now we don't use introspection, which was
unreliable, but today cognitive psychologists study processes such as memory, language,
problem solving and decision.
Symbols of language:
1. Language is symbolic. Sounds/written words represent
objects, events, and concepts.
2. Language is semantic. It has shared meaning.
3. Language is generative. We can generate an endless number of
messages with a limited number symbols.
4. Language is structured. Sentences can only be ordered in a limited number of ways to make
sense. Eg: "the man walked the dog. Never "dog the walk man the."
Structure of Language:
Phonemes: smalles units of speech that can
be distinguished perceptually. English has
about 40, other languages have more.
Morphemes: smalles units of meaning in a
language. These include root words,
suffixes and prefixes.
Semantics: meaning of words. Includes it's denotation (dictionary
definitions) and its connotation (emotional overtone and implications)
Syntax: rules that state how words can be arranged into
sentences. (grammar)
of human
At 3 months infants make all the sounds in any
language but can no longer do this from 4-12 months
(reflexive communication, coos, laughs or cries). There
is an optimal period in a child's life when they learn
certain parts of language. By 8 months they recognize
certain words (babbling, consonant vowel
combination). 12-18 months they use one word
Receptive vocabulary: larger than productive vocabulary. Understand more than they speak.
Fast mapping: refers to learning a word after only hearing it once.
Over extension: child incorrectly uses a word to refer to a wider set of objects than they mean.
(doggie when referring to all small animals)
Underextension: child incorrectly uses a word to refer to a narrower set of objects or actions.
(doggie is only the family dog and not other dogs also)
speech: two word
sentence leaving
out less important
words. Then
children progress
to more syllable
and three word
Over regularizations:
When children are
learning to use
grammar of the
language, they may use
a regular verb, for
example where an
irregular verb is used.
ability to
reflect on the
use of
language. At
this point they
like riddles,
puns, irony
and sarcasm.
Bilingualism: refers to
learning 2 languages. There
are cognitive advantages
though processing speed
can be slower. Results in
higher cognitive flexibility,
reasoning, attention and
metalinguistic awareness.
Acculturation: degree to which a
person is socially and psychologically
integrated into a new culture. Greater
acculturation results in more rapid
learning of the new language.
(cognitive but social as well)
Behaviourist theories: B.F Skinner- children learnt
through imitation, reinforcement and conditioning. If a
child is reinforced, they say it again and if not they don't.
Nativist theories: The inborn tendency to develop language. Noam
Chomsky- it is impossible for children to hear every possible sentence and
be reinforced for it to imitate. Children learn the rules of language. Brown
& Hanlon- parents respond to their child's meaning and don't correct
poor grammar.
Language acquisition device: process that
facilitates the learning of language.
(biologically equipped)
Interactionist theories: combine biology and experience. We are biologically equipped
to learn language and language acquisition involves learning of rules. Social exchanges
with parents and others. Cognitive and social communication and emergent
interactionist theories.
Linguistic relativity hypothesis: language determines the nature of thought. Different
languages lead people to view the world differently. (asian cultures have many words for
rice) Language affects how people think about motion, time and shapes.
Problem solving: refers to active efforts to
discover what must be done to achieve a
goal that is not readily attainable.
Irrelevant information: people may pay too much
attention to information that does not save the
problem. To solve a problem effectively, a person
needs to find out what information is relevant and
what is not.
Functional Fixedness: Comes from Gestalt psychology
and refers to thinking of something only in terms of its
common use.
Mental set: continuing to use a problem
solving strategy that worked in the past
when it is not the best solution. Being in a rut
in your thinking.
Unnecessary contraints:
constraints are the limits. If
you put unnecessary limits on
yourself, it will be harder to
solve the problem.
Problem solving heuristics:
1. Forming subgoals: making
intermediate steps. Tower of Hanoi:
make a sub goal to get the purple ring
on the stem, then to get the green one
on top.
2. Working backwards: Start at the goal and work backwards.
3. Searching for analogies:
look for a way you have solved
a problem in the past that
would work in this case.
People are often unable to see
that two problems are the
same until they are told and
then they do well.
4. Changing the representation of the problem: can be represented in
many ways including words, numbers or drawings. A person could use
a list, table, equation, graph, hierarchal diagram, or flow chart.