SAB8#19 Closing Process Group


Mind Map on SAB8#19 Closing Process Group, created by Alfonso Hernandez on 20/11/2015.
Alfonso Hernandez
Mind Map by Alfonso Hernandez, updated more than 1 year ago
Alfonso Hernandez
Created by Alfonso Hernandez over 9 years ago

Resource summary

SAB8#19 Closing Process Group
  1. Analyze and document the success and effectiveness of the project
    1. Lesson Learned
      1. Project Phase is completed
        1. Project is completed
          1. Procurement is completed
            1. Project or procurement is terminated
              1. Work is done and have QA´s approval
                1. Use Technical work to confirm that final product is acceptable
                  1. Request feedback about the project and about the product with each stakeholder
                2. Formal legal Sign from the customer
                  1. OPA´s update
                    1. Recollect and finish all paperwork
                      1. Realize the final report of project
                        1. Make report payments close contract
                          1. PM RESPONSABLE
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