ProTeCo Model: Project based Learning, Technology and Community Learning Model


Model for learning a second language using a technogically-enhanced project based learning method.
Mind Map by carocastro2000, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by carocastro2000 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

ProTeCo Model: Project based Learning, Technology and Community Learning Model
  1. HOW?
    1. Project Based Learning
      1. Set group and individual goals
        1. Clear relevant and authentic
          1. Step by step subgoals
          2. Cater for different Learning styles
            1. Texts
              1. Multimedia
                1. Audio
                2. Different techniques: Jigsaw, clusters, buzz groups, round robin, leaning cells, or fish bowl discussions.
                  1. Scaffolding: esp. in beginning
                    1. Solve real world problems = more authentic and self-rewarding
                      1. Identify the objective. Set criteria or goals. Gather data. Generate options or courses of action. Evaluate the options using data and objectives. Reach a decision Implement the decision.
                      2. Assign roles in team work
                        1. Pre and post formative assesment
                          1. Equilibrium between the level of challenge and personal skill
                            1. Individual, pair and team work: heterogeneus dinamycs, always with individual accountability.
                              1. Max. team size 4
                                1. Team building activities to get to know team members and create bonds
                                  1. Allow self-regulated learning within the project framework: semi-guided and free activities
                                  2. Community
                                    1. Connect and cooperate with the Hispanic Local community
                                      1. Connect or/and team up with Spanish speakers of the world
                                        1. Ideas on solving community problems
                                        2. Technology: M-Learning Focus


                                          • Mobile Learning book related to learning languages:
                                          1. Connect with others: community link


                                            • Italki Livemocha Palabea
                                            1. Create and share content online
                                              1. Facilitate collaboration with team members


                                                • Collaboration tools:
                                                1. Build up L2 Skills
                                                  1. Vocabulary


                                                    • Quizlet Examtime Mindmup Duolingo
                                                    1. Grammar
                                                2. WHAT?
                                                  1. DMC = perfect long-term motivation
                                                    1. Students achieving more than expected
                                                      1. Students enjoying investing considerable amounts of time and effort
                                                        1. Focussed concentration: The goal being constantly on students’ minds
                                                          1. Positive emotionality: Students experienced it as something ‘special’.
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