Unit 5


Unidad 5
Mary Pérez6754
Mind Map by Mary Pérez6754, updated more than 1 year ago
Mary Pérez6754
Created by Mary Pérez6754 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Unit 5
  1. Verbs
    1. Increase
      1. Reduce
        1. Promote
          1. Encourage
            1. Protect
              1. Ban
              2. Noun Formation
                1. -ent
                  1. Goverment
                    1. Movement
                    2. -ness
                      1. Happiness
                        1. Craziness
                        2. -action
                          1. Relaxation
                            1. Reaction
                              1. Organization
                              2. -ion
                                1. Discussion
                                  1. Proportion
                                  2. -ity
                                    1. Similarity
                                      1. Possibility
                                      2. -al
                                        1. Survival
                                      3. Work
                                        1. Noun
                                          1. Contestant
                                            1. Industry
                                              1. Judge
                                                1. Marketing
                                                  1. Sale
                                                  2. Verbs
                                                    1. Pretend
                                                      1. Regret
                                                        1. Seem
                                                      2. Adjective
                                                        1. Global
                                                          1. Organic
                                                            1. Tragic
                                                            2. Pacheco Pérez Mariana 603 Facultad de Artes y Diseño
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