Physics - Forces and Acceleration


Forces and Acceleration
Abi Guest
Mind Map by Abi Guest, updated more than 1 year ago
Abi Guest
Created by Abi Guest about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Physics - Forces and Acceleration
  1. A non-zero resultant force produced an acceleraation
    1. Any resultant force will produce an acceleration, and this is the formula:
      1. F = ma or a = F/m
        1. m = Mass (Kg)
          1. a = Acceleration (m/s²)
            1. F = resultant force (N)
          2. Reaction forces are equal and opposite
            1. When two objects interact, the forces they exert on each other are equal and opposite
              1. That means if you push something it will push back against you just as hard
                1. As soon as you stop pushing so does the thing you are pushing
                  1. If the forces are always equal - The two forces are acting on different objects
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