Charlotte's Web


book projct
Blake Harris
Mind Map by Blake Harris, updated more than 1 year ago
Blake Harris
Created by Blake Harris about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Charlotte's Web
  1. E.B White
    1. The book was made in the past.
      1. They were out on a farm.
      2. Fern
        1. Protective
          1. Brave
          2. Happy
            1. Wilber
              1. Thankful
                1. shy
                2. Happy
                  1. Charlotte
                    1. Cheerful
                      1. Relaxed
                        1. happy
                    2. The theme of the story is to not judge a book by its cover.
                      1. Theme
                      2. The farmer was going to kill Wilber in the beginning of the story but Fern saved him from getting killed.
                        1. Main Conflicts
                          1. The cause of this is Fern loved the little pig named Wilber.
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