Malala Yousafzai


Mind Map about Malala
Naomi Jung
Mind Map by Naomi Jung, updated more than 1 year ago
Naomi Jung
Created by Naomi Jung over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Malala Yousafzai
  1. Background Info
      1. Born on July 12 1997
        1. Mingora, Pakistan
          1. Popular tourist attraction
            1. Summer festivals
        2. As a child, she became an advocate for girls' education, which resulted in the Taliban issuing a death threat against her
          1. She was nominated/won for a Nobel Peace Prize in 2013
            1. Youngest person to win
          2. Cause of event to take a stand
            1. Where
              1. School bus in the northwest Pakistani district of Swat
              2. When
                1. October 9, 2012
                  1. Afternoon
                  2. Why
                    1. Taliban wanted to kill her and her father
                      1. Anti-Taliban activist
                    2. Gunman asked for her by name, then pointed a pistol at her and fired three shots
                      1. One bullet hit the left side of Malala's forehead, travelled under her skin through the length of her face, and then went into her shoulder
                        1. Remained unconscious and in critical condition
                    3. Contributions to Civil Rights
                      1. Equal rights
                        1. Taliban attacked girls schools
                          1. "How dare the Taliban take away my basic education?"
                        2. Novel Connections
                          1. Any wanted to take a stand no matter the outcome
                            1. Willing to risk anything
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