Sab8#78:_Quality Plans


Mind Map on Sab8#78:_Quality Plans, created by paty_r_g on 08/12/2015.
Mind Map by paty_r_g, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by paty_r_g over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Sab8#78:_Quality Plans
  1. Gives you what you need to manage quality
    1. Quality Management Plan
      1. Guidelines for managing quality, are the main tools for preventing defects on the project, includes metrics and strategies for monitoring
      2. Quality Checklists
        1. To help people head off mistakes that might cause defects, to avoid common errors, as a defect prevention technique
        2. Process Improvement Plan
          1. Is a plan for improving the process you are using to do the work
          2. Quality Metrics
            1. Are the kinds of measurements you’ll take throughout your project to figure out its quality
            2. Project documents updates
              1. Might need to be made because you have found new information
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