
Mind Map by da.fegori, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by da.fegori over 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. culture should be an integral part of English in their curriculum.
    1. but a code
      1. social practice.
        1. is open
          1. is energetic
            1. It is dynamic
              1. constant evolution
              2. heart of language teaching
              3. The language we hear may have strong effects on the world as we hear.
                1. the theory proposes that cognitive development is analogous to training processes.
                  1. applies to a wide range of areas of expertise
                    1. children
                      1. physical world
                        1. biological
                          1. psychological
                        2. history
                          1. He has risen from the ashes of the theory of Piaget
                            1. It proposes that children and even babies have capacities:
                              1. inference
                                1. induction
                                  1. logic reasoning
                                  2. cognitive and conceptual development are the driving force behind the development of language
                                2. Some representatives
                                  1. Piaget
                                    1. Chomsky
                                      1. Pinker
                                        1. Whorf
                                        2. characteristics of theory theory
                                          1. distinctive structural
                                            1. postulate abstract entities interrelated in complex ways and coherent
                                            2. functional features
                                              1. generate a wide prediction
                                              2. effects interpretative
                                                1. selections lead to interpersonal
                                                2. explanations of evidence
                                                  1. change by external evidence
                                                3. the history of culture teaching
                                                  1. transmission of cultural information
                                                    1. focusing on habits of everyday life, offers only learning The knowledge memory.
                                                    2. taking advantage of psychology and anthropology intercultural
                                                      1. integrating culture into an interpretive framework, benchmarks or exit and enter their own country.
                                                    3. model scheme
                                                      1. culture
                                                        1. the systems
                                                          1. values habits
                                                            1. interpersonal and intrapersonal
                                                              1. ecology and technology
                                                                1. intrapersonal variation
                                                                  1. intercultural environment
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                                                                  Gramática Inglés
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                                                                  Lectura Rápida
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                                                                  Consejos para Realizar un Resumen
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                                                                  CURSO APRENDIENDO A APRENDER
                                                                  Isidro Esparza Marín
                                                                  Aula Virtual
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                                                                  Advanced English II
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