KSA Energy price reform


Hanan Abdullah S
Mind Map by Hanan Abdullah S, updated more than 1 year ago
Hanan Abdullah S
Created by Hanan Abdullah S about 9 years ago

Resource summary

KSA Energy price reform
  1. Cost of living
    1. Disposable income
      1. Family structure
        1. Gender roles
          1. Marriage oppourtnites
            1. Expectations
              1. Youth
                1. Extremisim
                  1. Boredom
    2. Entertainment
      1. Transport
        1. Students
          1. Low SES
          2. Public sector workers
            1. Low SES educated Female
            2. Health
              1. Familes
                1. Single mothers / Low SES, independent
                  1. Widow/ divorced
              2. housing
                1. Rent
                  1. Ownership
                    1. Families
                    2. Expats
                      1. Low ses
                    3. Inflation
                      1. Private Sector
                        1. SME's
                          1. Employees
                            1. customers
                              1. Owners
                              2. Saudization
                                1. Education
                                  1. Unemployment
                            2. Government Sector
                              1. Wasta/corruption
                                1. Elites
                                  1. Entitlement
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