Chinese Dynasties


Quick synopsis of the Chinese dynasties
Jenna Trost
Mind Map by Jenna Trost, updated more than 1 year ago
Jenna Trost
Created by Jenna Trost almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Chinese Dynasties
  1. Shang
    1. First Chinese dynasty
      1. Centered around hunting, war, loyalty
        1. Pictograms and symbols foundational to modern Chinese language
          1. King was the connection between people and the gods
            1. Defeated by Zhou
    2. Zhou
      1. Propagated itself
        1. Mandate of Heaven
          1. Gov and religion split
            1. Decentralized
              1. Declined to Warring States period
                1. Confucianism
      2. Qin
        1. First Chinese Empire
          1. Gained power through Warring States period
            1. Overthrown by people's revolt
              1. Heavily infrastructured China
                1. Based on Legalism
        2. Han
          1. Based on family
            1. Incorporated aspects of Legalism and Confucianism
              1. Mandate of Heaven
                1. Centralized government
                  1. Conflict with Nomads
                    1. Ultimate Decline
                      1. Political fragmentation
          2. Sui
            1. Centralized
              1. Completed Grand Canal
                1. Ended by assassination
            2. Tang
              1. Examination System
                1. Confucianism
                  1. Decentralized
                    1. Cosmopolitan capital
                      1. Imposed tributary system
                        1. Thrived on Silk Road
                          1. Adopted aspects from Europe and Western Asia
                2. Uighur
                  1. Tibetan
                    1. Liao
                      1. Pastoral nomads
                        1. Mahayan Buddhism
                          1. Song paid tribute
                      2. Good relation with Tang
                      3. Turkish
                    2. Song
                      1. Technologies derived from Tang
                        1. Sea-dependent
                          1. Xenophobic
                            1. Confuciansim
                              1. Introduced paper money
                                1. Inflation
                                  1. Gunpowder
                        2. Yuan
                          1. Mongol domination
                            1. Opened trade with Europe
                              1. Unified 3 previous states
                                1. Rebellion ends dynasty
                                2. Bubonic plauge
                            2. Ming
                              1. Wanted to eradicate Mongols
                                1. Confucianism
                                  1. Little imports
                                    1. Silver currency
                                      1. Extended Great Wall
                                        1. Decentralized
                                          1. Strong military
                                            1. Gov exams
                                2. Qing
                                  1. Machus: elite
                                    1. Mandate
                                      1. Final Chinese Dyansty
                                        1. Infrastructure
                                          1. Decentralized
                                            1. Resisted trade
                                              1. Opium War
                                  2. Republic
                                    1. Constitutional
                                      1. Civil war with communists
                                    2. Communism
                                      1. Overthrew republic
                                        1. Supported by USSR
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