

9 History Mind Map on Mesopotamia, created by binas44 on 16/12/2015.
Mind Map by binas44, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by binas44 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. "between the Rivers"
    1. Sumer
      1. First Mesopotamian Civilization
        1. Formed City-States
          1. The basic unit of summerian civilization
          2. Religion
            1. Polytheistic
              1. Believed the gods were the cause of all good and bad things
              2. Ziggurat
                1. Massive stepped tower on which a temple to the chief God or Godddess was built
                  1. Could also serve as a food storehouse
                2. Architecture
                  1. Built using mud bricks
                    1. Invented arch and dome
                  2. Government
                    1. Theocracy
                      1. Government established upon divine authority
                      2. Kings held great power
                      3. Writing
                        1. Cuneiform
                          1. Wedge shaped system of writing
                      4. Akkad
                        1. Assyria
                          1. Had Rich soil from silt deposits left from the rivers flooding
                            1. Flooding was unpredictable
                              1. Farmers learned to control the floods with irrigation
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