

Uni Sustainable Manufacturing Mind Map on Greenwashing, created by Ellen Rita on 24/12/2015.
Ellen Rita
Mind Map by Ellen Rita, updated more than 1 year ago
Ellen Rita
Created by Ellen Rita about 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. No Proof or Evidence
    1. Scientific Jargon (overly technical language)
      1. Just not credible
        1. Greening a product does not make it safe (eco-friendly cigarettes
        2. Best in Class
          1. Claiming to be slightly greener than the competition, competition could be terrible.
          2. Irrelevant Claims
            1. Emphasis on one small green attribute, everything else is not green
            2. Fluffy Language
              1. No clear meaning (eco-friendly)
              2. Green products, dirty company
                1. Side line environmentally friendly product, mainly dirty products
                2. Suggestive Pictures
                  1. Green images, indicate unjustified green image/impact
                    1. Flowers from an exhaust pipe
                    2. Lying
                      1. Totally fabricated claims
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