Argues that the Nuclear Family is
the most efficient family type in
meeting societys 'Functional Pre
Four main functions of the
family: 1.Sexual - Expressing
sexuality in a socially
approved relationship
2.Reproduction - Providing
stability for the reproduction
and rearing of children
3.Socialisation - Where
children learn socially
acceptable behaviour and the
culture of their society
4.Economic - The family
provides food and shelter for
its members
Say the 4 functions are necessary in
every society, and that the nuclear family
is universal (the best family type in every
however, the nuclear family is not the
only family arrangement able to carry
out these functions, and many
institutions may take over some
functions eg Socialisation - School
Funtionalist believe the nuclear family has
replaced the classic extended family and the
main type of family. The family has become:
Socially Isolated from extended kin
More reliant on Welfare State and NHS
Geographically separated from the wider kin
More reliant on schools and nurseries for childcare
Functionalists argue that the family is
self-contained and inward looking with little
contacts with neighbours and community. Home
leisure via TV etc have made us more
home-centred and leisure time now tends to be
Said that there has been a loss of functions since
industrialisation, and that now functions were
being fulfilled by institutions such as the NHS and
Refers to "two basic, irreducible functions" still performed by families
1.PRIMARY SOCIALISATION - Families act as factories in that
they socialise children into societies norms and values.
this inturn reinforces the value consensus.
2.STABILISATION OF ADULT PERSONALITIES- Stress and pressure utside of
the family can threaten mental health/stability and order. Thus the
family helps stabilise adults via marital supports or playing with
WARM BATH THEORY - Parson argues that the
family offers a 'warm bath of psychological
comfort' against a tough, competitive outside
Argues that in pre-industrial society, the
settled nature of the economy led to
extended families
Industrial society require mobile work fare and small
nuclear families woh are able to move quickly and
simply - hence why they fit the needs of a modern
industrial society best
The Button and the Button Hole Theory - he
relationships between a man and a woman are
complimentary to each other, 2 functions working together
Man - Instrumental Role - Works/Earns money for family
Woman - Expressive Role - Looks after children/nurtures etc
Fletcher 1966
Argues that the modern family
has more functions - not less
Greater pre-occupation with children's health by parents
Greater responsibility for protecting children's since
increased legislation
Important role as unit of consumption
The family is a 'virtual institution' within society
that meets certain Functionalist Pre-Requisits
that ensures society's survival and keeps it
The New Right
Argue that the traditional nuclear family is the best family type
to fit with society's structure by performing
essential functions
Traditional Nuclear Family -
Male Instrumental
Role/Female Expressive
Role/Dependant Children
See Nuclear family as 'natural' due to 'fundamental
biological differences' between the sexes
Conservative and Anti
Feminist - Oppose diversity
See growth of family diversity as the cause of many
social problems eg Crime Rates/Dependence on
Welfare/Education Failure etc
Single Parent Families (SPF)
Viewed as unnatural and
Mothers statistically get custody, resulting
in lack of male role model for boys and thus
higher levels of delinquency
Argue SPF cannot
discipline children
'Burden' on the welfare state, ineffective
single mothers become married to the
the state and dependant on welfare
rather than a man
Attack on Feminism?
Disapproving of working
Believe woman should see caring for their
family as 1st priority
View marriage (traditional, patriarchal) as the
essential basis for rearing & socialising
children into traditional gender roles
Cohabitation and divorce rates create family
instability making it easier for adults to avoid
responsibility and commitment - negative effect on
Found that 3000 of 15,000 childrens mothers had
become lone parents during the first 3 years of
their child's life
Only 6% were married couples as opposed to 20% cohabiting
couples and 74% of these 'closely involved' but not living
Charles Murray
1. The New Rabble - Long term unemployed, benefit
claimants, single mums etc ll serving to create a 'dependency
Identified an 'underclass' in his native america and saw that one was
emerging in the UK, he saw 2 main groups:
His solutions calls for an end to single parent benefits - he
sees this as being the answer to the welfare dependeny
2. The New Victorians - Middle Classists who marry, work hard,
pay taxes and raise their children 'properly'
Owen Jones - says that 'chavs' are a
scapegoat to distact attention from
the real economic inequalities
View the family within a framework of capitalist
Believe the family serves the
pyramid scheme
Role of the family
Family reproduces unequal relationships
and works to 'clamp-down' inevitable social
Nuclear families duty is concerned with
socialising its members to obey capitalism
Disagrees with current system
Women in the Family
Engels - Views the monogamous nuclear
family as a way to pass on property rights
Woman are 'Chattels'
(personal property)
Engels is the earliest Marxist-Feminist, he basically says capitalism has
turned women into this. He says the family is only used to pass thing
down which remains within the bourgeoisie which should be shared.
Bourgeoisie - (in Marxist contexts) the capitalist class who own most of society's wealth and means of production.
Wives position was
almost akin to a
prostitute - in
exchange for financial
security she provides
sex and heirs
Akin - means similar to
Functions of the Family
Reproduce the labour
Socialising children to accept the
inequalities of capitalism
Consume the goods
of capitalism
Provide emotional support for
In earliest societies he suggested there had
been no restrictions on sexual behaviour. As
societies became more complex more
restrictions were placed on sexuality .
Argued that in the earliest societies
women held power, but as humans learned
to heard animals, men took control of the
livestock and thus became the first
property owners
Argued that societies developed through
several stages / in an evolutionary
First writers to apply
Marxism to family in 1884
Didn't want to see family
abolished - he had weak evidence,
his ideas on evolution of families
evolution was criticised
First Marxists to state families are shaped by
the economic system
Zaretsky 1976
Responsiblities of family life
stops workers from striking for a
better deal or leaving jobs
Family ties the working class man
to his work as he need to work
hard to provide for his family
Says that families serve capitalism by
The family provides a
haven for alienated
Providing unpaid domestic labour of
housewives / creating a new
generation on workers
Families consume the commodities of
Argues that the family is the
main prop to the capitalist
In the working man's 'castle'
he can escape the the
fustrations of work
Family makes you less
independently thinking and you
have to have the same views as
your family otherwise you wont
get along
Sees the family and a ideological
conditioning institution
Family forces you into believing you
are a worker not an owner
Althusser 1971
Argued that in order for capitalism to
survive the working class must submit to
the ruling class
The ruling class cons us into
accepting their ideology, resulting
in false class consciousness
He said that the family is part of the
Ideological State Apparatus, which controls
us by transmitting riling class ideology
Believe that women have suffered prejudice and
discrimination simply because of their gender
Think women need to feel free
from these injustices of patriarchy
and particularly the sphere of
family, home and work
Feminism and
Feminism is a collection of movements and ideologies
aiming at defining, establishing and defending equal
political, economic, cultural and social rights for women
Central to the feminist approach is the
idea of patriarchy or male dominance of
It is argued that patriarchy is
established and reinforced in family
Feminists argue that men benefit from families at
the expense of women because the family sustain
Despite different feminist approaches they all
believe that women occupy a subordinate position
in the family and are exploited
Women are seen as cheap and exploitable in the
labour market where constraints of childcare keep
them concentrated
Advocate the overthrow of capitalism as
being necessary to free men and women
from a position of slavery
Women provide male workers with food, drink
and relaxation, enabling them to go back to work
'Reserve army labour' to be called
upon when needed
Advocate change through legislation
and education
Equal Pay Act 1970 / Sex and
Discrimination Act 1975 / Equality Act
Equality in maternity and paternity
leave from 2015
Believe that neither sexes benefit from
the gender inequalities in society
Believe things are slowly getting better
Radical Feminists
Family is a site of domestic violence
Believe patriarchy is the source of all
our discontents in society
Women must fight for
their rights
Men exploit women as husbands,
brothers, sons etc
Family Ideology is forced upon people
Greer 2007 - argues that the family is
an exploitive institution
Some advocate separatism or
political lesbianism
'Family' excludes those who persue
different lifestyles
Difference Feminists
Feel that other feminist 'flavours' have
ignoored the differences that exist between
men and women
Many varies cultural and religious
issues faced by women of colour
eg Why do African-Carribean women have such high
rate of single parenting?