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The Research Enterprise in Psychology
Psych 104
No tags specified
the scientific aproach to behaviour
looking for causes: experimental research
looking for links: descriptive/correlational research
looking for conclusions: statistical and research
looking for flaws: evaulating research
looking for ethical data
Mind Map by
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
almost 9 years ago
Resource summary
The Research Enterprise in Psychology
The Scientific Approach to Behaviour
Goals of the Scientific Enterprise
Three sets of interrelated goals: Measurement and Description, Understanding and Prediction, and Application and Control
Measurement and description- Having to make measurable concepts
Understanding and prediction- During this process you have to make a hypothesis and also have variables
Application and control- Apply what you have researched and put together a theory
Steps in a Scientific Investigation
Formulate a Testable Hypothesis
Select the Research Method and Design the study
Collect Data
Analyze the data and draw conclusions
Report what you have researched- usually journals are used
Advantages of the Scientific Approach
Clarity and precision
Intolerance of error
Looking for causes: Experimental Research
Independent and dependant Variables
Independent- experimenter depends on the impact of other variables
Dependent- affected by manipulation of the independent variable
Extraneous Variables
Extraneous variables- any variables other than the independent one
Confounding variables- two var. that are linked together which make it difficult to sort out their specific effects
Random assignment- subjects occur when all subjects have an equal chance of being assigned to any group.
Variations is Designing Experiments
Only using one group of subjects who serve as their own control group
Can manipulate more than one independent variable in a single experiment
In a single study there can be one than one dependent variable.
Looking for Links: Descriptive/Correlational Research
Naturalistic Observation
-Observation of behaviour without any interruption
Less artificial than experiments
Reactivity- subject's behaviour is altered by the presence of an observer
Hard to put naturalistic observations into numerical data
Case Studies
in-depth investigation of a subject
Clinical research depends on case-studies
Advantages and Disadvantages of Descriptive/Correlational Research
Give researchers a way to explore more questions that they would not recieve in experimental
Disadvantage-can not control the effects and isolate cause
Looking for Conclusions: Statistics and Research
Descriptive Statistics
Used to organize and summarize data
Central Tendency- mean, median, and mode. Using an average
can be positive or negatively skewed
Variability - used to estimate scores
Standard Deviation, variability, normal distribution, percentile
Correlation- two variables that are related to eachother
Inferential Statistics
used to interpret data and draw conclusions
Statistical significance is said to exist when the probability that observed findings are due to chance is very low
hypothesis testing involves deciding whether observed findings support the researcher's hypothesis
Looking for Flaws: Evaluating Research
Combination of the statistical results of many studies of the same question, yielding an estimate of the size and consistency of a variable's effects
Allow to check on the reliability of a finding
Sampling Bias
Sample- collecting of subjects selected for observation is in empirical study.
Population- larger collection of people or animals
Sampling bias: happens when a sample is not representative of the population from which it was drawn.
Placebo Effects
participants' expectations lead them to experience some change even though they recieve empty, fake treatment
Experimenter Bias
Occurs when a researcher's expectations or preferences about the outcome of a study influence the results obtained.
Double-blind- research strategy in which neither subjects nor experimenters known which subjects are in the experimetal or control group
Looking at Ethics:Do the ends Justify the means?
Ethical Guidelines for research in Psychology in Canada
Principle 1: Respect for the dignity of Persons
Principle 2: Responsible caring
Principle 3: Integrity in Relationships
Principle 4: Responsibility to Society
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