Analysis of Brief


Analysis of brief for graphics coursework
Aimee Prescott
Mind Map by Aimee Prescott, updated more than 1 year ago
Aimee Prescott
Created by Aimee Prescott about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Analysis of Brief
  1. Appearance
    1. Black & White
      1. Modern
        1. Skyscraper
          1. House
          2. Existing Products
            1. Primary + Secondary Research
              1. Different Materials
                1. Different Designs
                2. Target Market
                  1. Interest in Architecture
                    1. Teenager
                      1. Not gender specific
                      2. Safety
                        1. Parts not too small or sharp
                        2. Packaging
                          1. Cardboard box
                            1. About H90mm X L280mm X W280mm
                            2. Materials
                              1. Acrylic
                                1. Essex Grayboard
                                  1. Ply-wood
                                  2. Size
                                    1. Appropriate architectural scale
                                      1. About H250mm X W250mm X L250mm
                                      2. Client
                                        1. Interview
                                          1. Opinions on Project
                                            1. 13 year old girl
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